Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Pixeled Multimedia Teachers Association: September 2006
Pixeled Multimedia Teachers Association: October 2006
Meet the Examiner Lecture
Congratulations to around 100 VET MM students and their teachers, who gave up a morning of their holidays to Meet the Examiner at Melbourne University last Thursday.
Ex-chief Examiner, Graeme Luck presented a very thorough run down on the exam and how students could maximise their performance. Hopefully, the podcast of Graeme's lecture will soon be available on the pixelED site.
In summary, Graeme's take-away messages included:
- be very careful with time management,
- save practical tasks in the right place and with the right file name,
- maintain a client focus (eg in prac tasks only do what is requested) and
- answer questions with specifics NOT generalised comments.
Following Graeme's talk, Rachelle Mclean, gave a very detailed discussion on scripting, reinforcing basic terms and concepts as well as challenging students with more advanced examples. Sue Bell, presented a slideshow prepared by one of her high achieving ex-students. Although he was unable to attend the lecture, his slideshow provided some practical advice from a student perspective.
A big thanks to all involved!
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