Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another year and another blog entry and we are still no closer to a consistent way to teach Vet Multimedia. Recently I was reading through messages to the ATOM list, the message board for teachers of Media. Several teachers raised the point that they thought their subject was the most difficult one to teach in the VCE curriculum. They made the following points:
Had to handle equipment like cameras and computers
Needed to know software like final cut pro and premiere
Had to teach storyboarding, portfolios and scripting
Needed to teach other delivery methods such as magazines, newspapers, ezines and animation

The list went on to a few more things. I was tempted to write back to the ATOM list and say if they though that teaching media is hard then they should try teaching Multimedia. These are the reasons why it sucks:
No study guide
Have to know all the software including photoshop, illustrator, flash, movie maker/premiere (or equivalent), dreamweaver , Soundforge etc...
Had to be able to hand code HTML
Have to teach programming such as Actionscripting or equivalent
Have to teach English in the content/copy section
Have to teach Design Skills
Have to use Cameras and Video Equipment
Have to teach portfolios
Have to teach animation
Have to fit in lots of theory
Have an horrendous exam at the end of the year which is almost impossible to prepare our students for as we have no study guide to follow and the TAFE package is clearly not suited to testing high school students.

I didn't want to sound like a smart arse so I didn't send my message to the ATOM list. Would have made me feel better though.
Enjoy your year!

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