Thursday, May 11, 2006



TopScreens opened the other night at ACMI. Great to see the Media work - there must have been 12 to 15 movies, some of fantastic quality including Flash animation and stop motion animation. They have been showing at TopDesigns as well, I am told, so they have received lots of exposure.
After viewing the movies we were invited down to the memory grid for refreshments and to view the Multimedia work. All around the walls are screens showing excerpts from - you guessed it - the movies! Three computers showed the eight pieces of MM, and you couldn't get near them for people, which was good because they were caught up in playing the games, but frustrating because I didn't get a chance to check out the work from other schools. I would not recommend it as an excursion, unless you are taking only about 10 kids and have something else to do in the city as well.
I have spoken to Merren Rickettson from VCAA Season of Excellence about the possibility of showing the MM work up there with the Media by video-capturing a run-through of each of the games etc. This would allow them to be seen by a much wider audience, including non-gamers. What do other people think?

I agree that something has to be done with Multimedia in TopScreens. I too was disappointed about the presentation when viewing the students’ works.
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