Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I got a message from blogger - their spam robots have been out in force and blocked anyone posting to this site because it sounds like it could be spam. How ridiculous. How could conversations about multimedia sound like spam. Anyway, a human has to unlock the blog apparently in order for us to keep blogging. This means they need to assess whether our blog is just spam. Perhaps the word multimedia sounds like spam to the ever vigilant spam bots. It all seems rather ridiculous and like something out of the matrix. What reality are we living in anyway. To cut a long story short, if you can read this post it means a human has unblocked our site and we can keep posting.

In regards the time that people are posting - no I'm not sitting up at 4.30 in the morning writing blogs or downloading music. The clock on the blog needs to be reset so that it shows the right time. At the moment it is about 8 hours out of whack.

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